A jury has determined that Moana creators knew nothing about a fellow Hawaii set & Polynesian demigods featuring idea & did ...
Does storing copyrighted material amount to infringement? Read what the amicus curiae in the ANI vs OpenAI case said about ...
A US court (in Delaware) recently handed down a precedent-setting ruling on a lawsuit filed by a copyright-owner, the media and ...
The Thomson Reuters decision has big implications for the battle between generative AI companies and rights holders.
A federal judge in Delaware on Tuesday said that a former competitor of Thomson Reuters was not permitted by U.S. copyright law to copy the information and technology company's content to build a ...
The U.S. Copyright Office completed the second of two studies of AI and copyrights as it dealt with whether you can copyright outputs created using AI.
An AI company lifted material from Thomson Reuters' research platform, arguing fair use and innocent infringement. A court has ruled it was copyright violation.
In a copyright infringement lawsuit filed by Thomson Reuters, a federal judge has ruled that AI competed with the original material ...