This week is Flood Preparedness Week in Maine and New Hampshire, organized by the National Weather Service in Gray. Each day, NWS Gray posts a different topic. You can stay up-to-date on the daily ...
It’s Flood Safety Awareness Week and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has come prepared with tips on how to ...
It's Flood Safety Awareness Week in Vermont through March 16, a reminder to Vermonters that flooding is a constant threat, ...
Some severe weather safety tips are well known, but other important things you may not have considered could save your life ...
The National Weather Service is highlighting flood safety on Tuesday during severe weather preparedness week, which spans ...
While the recent rain is not the reason for the awareness week, officials stress the importance of being prepared for future ...
Governor Glenn Youngkin designated March 9-15 as Virginia Flood Safety Awareness Week to stress the importance of flood ...
South Carolina reminds residents to prepare for severe weather during their safety week.
Consider those with access and functional needs to determine if they are prepared for a flood emergency where they live and work. For more preparedness information and safety tips from DHSES ...
FLASH FLOOD SAFETY. BRIAN. YEAH ... In the event of a flood, here are some tips to follow from the National Weather Service: If a Flash Flood Warning is issued for your area, or if there is ...