Alien life might have flourished in ‘vacation-style beaches’ on Mars, scientists say - Red Planet may have supported alien life for tens of millions of years, scientists say ...
Astronomers have made a remarkable discovery on Mars that could revolutionise our understanding of the red planet's history.
It [was] obvious these people were dying for some reason, but they were humans. They were just twice our size.' ...
Retired U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Joe McMoneagle claims he was a "psychic spy" for the CIA and has seen proof of life on the planet Mars. He says he ...
If life exists on other planets, it needs to be adaptable to extreme environments. To get a clue of what it might look like, ...
The most significant change since those 1970's experiments were conducted was the discovery of high levels of perchlorate on Mars. Perchlorate, plus abiotic oxidants, explains the Viking results and ...
A new study in the journal Nature Communications reveals that Mars is red for very much the same reason it may have once been home to life — namely, that it was a wet planet. This is in line with ...
Scientists have tested a laser-powered mass spectrometer on Earth to detect fossilized microbes in minerals similar to those on Mars.
The colour of Mars has been hotly debated over the years, as has whether there has ever been life on the planet ...
Mars was once home not only to an ocean but ... during which it may have supported alien life. NASA preparing for possible spending cuts, layoffs “The capabilities of the Zhurong rover have ...
Mars was once home not only to an ocean but ... during which it may have supported alien life. “The capabilities of the Zhurong rover have allowed us to understand the geologic history of ...