When co-host Ryland asked Levi “With a mango, what’s the best way to peel it?”, the guest replied, “With a beer glass.” To an incredulous “I’m sorry?”, the Reggae-Reggae sauce ...
It might not be the tastiest part of the fruit, but for anyone wanting to look their best this summer they should think about new ways of eating mango. Scientists have discovered that chemicals in the ...
Read on to find out more about this peel tea and how it may help in boosting overall health. What exactly is Mango peel tea? Mango peel tea is a simple tea made by brewing mango peels in water ...
Set aside. Cut off the top and bottom of the mangoes. Peel, then cut the mango away from the flat sides of the pit, keeping the knife close to the pit. Cut the mango into thin strips, about 5cm ...