After all, somebody had to make the weapons ... mentions Rosie the Riveter was just one in a long line of war production posters, but ... 1. The "We Can Do It" poster was not the original Rosie ...
The Russian propaganda prints came from a studio that generated hundreds of thousands of them, and three copies will be part of an upcoming exhibit on 1940s design.
The Brandeis University World War I and World War II Propaganda Posters collection includes nearly 100 different images (a majority from the WWI era) addressing a variety of American war aims. The ...
While cleaning out the basement of an old home he’d recently purchased, a man from San Francisco discovered a stash of strange and colorful posters announcing the “Great Mexican War.” ...
A poster portraying the “Second Patriotic War” as World War I was known in Russia. (Napoleon’s 1812 invasion was Russia’s first “patriotic war.”) Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II ...