Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan met with auto-rickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who had rushed him to the hospital after he was attacked at his Mumbai home on January 16. Khan thanked Rana for his quick assistance,
Abida Sultan drove cars, hunted in the wild, and piloted planes when most women in her era were confined to traditional roles.
Saif Ali Khan and his family's inheritance of properties worth ₹15,000 crore hangs in the balance due to a dispute with the Office of the Custodian of Enemy Property. Legal experts discuss the implications of a recent high court ruling on these properties.
The properties inherited by Saif Ali Khan and his family include Noor-Us-Sabah Palace, Dar-Us-Salam, Bungalow of Habibi, Ahmedabad Palace and Flag Staff House.
Saif inherited properties including Noor-Us-Sabah Palace, Dar-Us-Salam, Bungalow of Habibi, Ahmedabad Palace and Flag Staff House.
Pooja Bhatt shuts down the trolls for questioning Saif Ali Khan’s quick recovery.
#WATCH | Mumbai: After meeting Actor Saif Ali Khan and his family, Bhajan Singh, the auto-rickshaw driver who took the actor to Lilavati Hospital, says “He thanked me. His mother and the entire family told me that I did good work. I met his mother and took his blessings. I am…
The properties of Bhopal's former rulers, valued at ₹15,000 crore and inherited by actor Saif Ali Khan and his family, are in limbo due to the possibility of being taken over by the Centre.
Three days after arresting Bangladeshi national Shariful Fakir for stabbing actor Saif Ali Khan, Mumbai police recovered the final missing piece of the knife used in the attack. The actor was discharged from the hospital,
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan could lose the Pataudi family properties in Bhopal worth Rs 15,000 crore. The Centre has declared them as ‘enemy property’, which means it can claim them. But why has the government deemed them as such?
There has been a new development in Saif Ali Khan's stabbing case. Mumbai Police has recovered the last piece of the knife that was used to attack the actor.