dari publikasi resmi Brigade Al-Qassam (sayap militer Hamas) pada Sabtu (1/2/2025), memperlihatkan anggota Brigade Al-Qassam membawa foto 7 komandan mereka yang terbunuh dalam serangan Israel ...
The mother and her two children were abducted by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023, and their remains were returned from Gaza to Israel last week as part of a ceasefire agreement with Hamas. (AP Photo/Ohad ...
(AP Photo/Mayar Mokhtar) CAIRO (AP) — A top Hamas official says the militant group will free six living Israeli hostages on Saturday and return the bodies of four others on Thursday, a surprise ...
Israel reportedly expects a ceasefire in the Gaza war to proceed even though Hamas has yet to name the hostages it will release on Sunday. On Saturday, the terror ...
Israel has imposed a total blockade on all goods entering the enclave, demanding that Hamas free remaining hostages without beginning the negotiations to end the Gaza war. Europecategory· March 9 ...
Hamas masih menyandera 59 orang di Gaza. Pasukan Pertahanan Israel telah mengonfirmasi 35 orang tewas. Intelijen Israel meyakini 22 orang masih hidup, dan status dua orang lainnya tidak diketahui. Di ...
Angkatan Udara Korea Selatan pada hari Senin mengonfirmasi bahwa kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh pilot menjadi penyebab insiden ...
SERAMBINEWS.COM - Presiden Amerika Serikat Donald Trump beri ultimatum kepada pasukan perlawanan Palestina, Hamas. Trump berujar Gaza akan bernasib buruk jika para tawanan Israel tak segera dibebaskan ...