Follow along with us for each episode as we discuss theories, observations and our favorite moments leading up to the finale. From the opening moments of Episode 4, the characters telegraphed duress ...
At the Love is Blind season 6 reunion, Clay Gravesande shared that he actually regrets his decision to call things off with AD. "She’s honestly the love of my life, and I did make a mistake going to ...
Dax Shepard, American actor, comedian, and podcast host talked about his experience at the set of their series, Parenthood.
You need to love your job and love your bed because that's where you spend most of your hours. Anyway, I don't work anymore ...
Let your love make you stronger, Capricorn. Venus is retrograde in Aries, bringing up themes within your committed relationship, home, and family. This will help you strengthen your connection ...
Only you can bring happiness into your life, Leo. As Saturn has moved through Pisces, it helped you to be proactive in making yourself happy instead of thinking that it was the responsibility of ...
There is no tropical storm activity for this region.