Is it real? Flags flying off the shelf, a reported tidal wave of national pride, patriotism now the word of the day. But hang ...
Take a look at a race car from the United States, and you might notice the American flag is shown backwards. There's a simple ...
Graydon Miles was driving down Highway 7 in Ontario last year when he saw an upside down Maple Leaf flying from a pickup ...
Gov. Ron DeSantis asked residents to pause for a moment of silence at 10:17 a.m. to remember the 17 victims at Marjory ...
Diana Harshbarger is leading a bill to codify a policy that only the U.S. flag can fly over public buildings and ban pride ...
President Donald Trump has repeatedly said Canada should be the 51st U.S. state, erasing the 5,525-mile border the nations ...
A new lawsuit accuses the Trump administration of stiffing U.S. businesses of hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid bills ...
Figures like Pressman are unrepresentative of the American people, but their voices have been artificially amplified. Thus, ...
According to the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), Black History ... which were misrepresented in (or left out entirely of) the history books of the time. At some ...
That was the calculus that led those seeking to legalize recreational marijuana to hold back until 2016, and those looking to ...
The bill doesn’t prohibit any private citizens or Native American tribes from flying any flags. “Government should not be in the business of choosing sides, or even giving the appearance of ...
He decided to replace a company anniversary flag that he designed with the state flag and has flown it under the American flag every ... why would I want to fly the flag of the government of ...