More than 600 Boxers will be manufactured for the British military, while industrial benefit claims range from 1,000 to 4,000 ...
China defense budget is 1.78 trillion yuan (about $249 billion), which is roughly less than a third of US defense budget of ...
Federal investigators looking for the cause of the January collision between a passenger jet and an Army helicopter near ...
There are approximately 100, 000 veterans on Oahu and 30, 000 veterans on the neighbor islands served by the Oahu-­based VA Pacific Islands Healthcare System. The Trump administration announced ...
China on Wednesday announced a 7.2 per cent increase of its national defence budget totalling to USD 249 billion this year ...
China's defence budget has risen to USD 249 billion, a 7.2% increase. The country is rapidly modernising its armed forces ...
Beijing: China Wednesday announced a 7.2 per cent increase of its national defence budget totalling to USD 249 billion this ...
China's annual NPC highlighted a focus on keeping urban unemployment at 5.5%, creating 12 million new urban jobs, and ...
China’s defence spending has maintained reasonable and steady growth over the past years, a Chinese military spokesperson ...
China keeps insisting that India is not a significant security threat. Yet, reportedly, it has significantly amped up its ...