44岁的解女士近年来一直备受体重增加的困扰,尽管她反复尝试各种减肥方法,但体重总是出现反弹。蛇年之初,她来到北京朝阳医院普外科寻求治疗。考虑到解女士身高162cm,体重90kg,体重指数BMI高达34.3的状况,同时患有高血脂、高血压,符合代谢综合征 ...
中新经纬2月8日电 8日,抖音官方头条号“抖音黑板报”发布关于打击无底线博流量行为的公告。
事发经过 1 月 30 日,正是冬日里难得的好天气,关女士带8 岁女儿来一场不一样的旅行,于是来到海南参加骑行活动。下午 3 点左右,她们骑行到万宁一处海滩,一路的疲惫让她们决定在海边 ...
Body mass index (BMI) has been the international standard for measuring obesity since the 1980s, according to many sources, though some experts have questioned its validity. A person’s BMI is ...
The body mass index (BMI), a weight-to-height ratio, has long been criticised as too simplistic, in part because it cannot distinguish between fat and muscle mass. Currently, anyone with a BMI of ...
The Lancet medical journal’s Diabetes & Endocrinology Commission last week proposed a new definition and method for diagnosing obesity, beyond simply looking at a person’s Body Mass Index (BMI), the ...
A new report argues that body mass index or BMI is not the most accurate way to define obesity. BMI is only a measure of a person’s weight and height and does not account for muscle mass.
该报告由全球75个医疗组织支持,参与撰写的56位国际专家向全球呼吁:摆脱仅依赖身体质量指数(BMI)的方法,重新定义何时将肥胖视为一种疾病。 该报告突破固有认知,提出判断肥胖是否为 ...
The report’s findings suggest that BMI — the measurement traditionally used by medical professionals to determine healthy weight ranges — does not provide a nuanced enough assessment of ...
One tool doctors have long used for measuring ideal body weight is body mass index (BMI). It's a measure of your body weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters.