Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is when bacteria evolve and learn how to defend themselves against antibiotics and other ...
The marble-sized white and grey balls were tested and discovered to contain "saturated fatty acids, along with fecal ...
Researchers engineer bacteria to produce hydrogen fuel from sunlight, potentially revolutionizing green hydrogen production.
The gut microbiome, which seems to be affected by our diet, plays an important role in reducing the growth of potentially ...
A team has identified a strain of bacteria that can break down and transform at least three types of PFAS, and, perhaps even more crucially, some of the toxic byproducts of the bond-breaking process.
A Swedish study of nearly 9,000 individuals explores the connection between gut bacteria and heart health, revealing that ...
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and Aarhus University, Denmark, researchers have confirmed protonic conductivity over ...
When Kostas Konstantinidis proved that many bacteria—like plants and animals—are organized into species, he upended a ...
An international collaboration has achieved an important breakthrough in understanding the genetic mechanisms that allow bacteria to build resistance to drugs.
Scientists develop self-propelling nanoparticles that can physically pierce and eliminate drug-resistant bacteria in eye infections, showing success in initial animal studies.
Bacteria detect cell wall fragments as danger signals and form protective biofilms, a survival strategy seen across species ...
In the winter, Lake Mendota is covered in ice, but when this thaws in summer, it’s engulfed by algae. These cyclical shifts ...