"A certain memorization of some essential prayers, far from opposing the dignity of young Christians, or obstructing personal dialogue with the Lord, constitutes an answer to a real need.
Prayers and fasting, Eucharistic adoration and getting back to the basics of the Catholic faith are some of the ways the ...
and Macedonius (who denied the divinity of the Holy Spirit), our faith in the most fundamental and basic mystery of revelation: the mystery of the Holy Trinity. -The Handbook of Prayers Glory be ...
Prayer close prayerCommunication with God. A means of developing a personal relationship with God. enables communication with God through both talking and listening. It is a two-way method of ...
In the name of the Father And of the Son And of the Holy Spirit Amen. — Sign of the Cross prayer The Lord’s Prayer is an example of a very important set prayer. This is the prayer that ...