Rhoden is expected to sign even more bills in the following days as the 100th South Dakota Legislative Session concludes and ...
A city of Syracuse agency launched in 2019 to put more bite into code enforcement could be getting some additional teeth to ...
There are bills to further restrict kids' cell phone use in schools and to require cursive instruction for younger students.
Police officers could use more training. Democrats and Republicans are working together on a bill that could help law ...
What it does: The bill would allow for a judge to expunge someone's "red flag" record if a court determines the person to no longer be dangerous. Currently, if a person's weapons are seized and a ...
A new Tennessee bill, if passed, would require law enforcement to take DNA samples of all individuals charged with felonies before they’re convicted.
Republican legislation advancing in the Iowa House would make it a felony offense if police fail to comply with the state's laws requiring cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
While AAA calls a Colorado bill prohibiting law enforcement from asking people why they were pulled over “the right thing to ...
Rep. Steven Holt, R-Denison, who introduced House Study Bill 262 and chairs the House Judiciary Committee, said the change in Iowa's gun laws is set to happen with or without legislation because of ...
Colorado gun bill sponsors propose amendment to allow gun owners to be exempt from firearm prohibition if they receive hunter ...