ha apuntat que “Casa Orsola és herència del que vostès van fer l’anterior mandat”, recordant que l’any 2022, quan es va vendre l’edifici, l’Ajuntament podria haver-lo comprat exercint el dret de ...
Well, the Natural History Museum of L.A. County offers just that ... unveiling the most extraordinary and thrilling destinations for Santa Clarita residents to explore on their quirky getaway.
A German museum has removed a portrait of billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk from its space technology exhibit, citing challenges in honoring living figures amid shifting public perceptions.
Naturally, Santa Cruz has a museum devoted to its history as well as its eclectic artistic endeavors, and who better to lead this museum than someone with a long history of working with art ...
Tres Tombs de Sant Antoni 2025: Data, horaris i recorregut de la cavalcada Arriba la cavalcada dels Tres Tombs de Sant Antoni 2025! La cita se celebra des del 1826 per commemorar la santificació de ...
The CASA Testing Centers have 120 testing stations in each of their locations, and currently offers testing for a multitude of courses at the University of Houston. Students who are required to take ...
Als territoris de parla catalana, la devoció pel monjo egipci arranca al segle XII, quan molts de pelegrins es desplaçaven fins a l’abadia francesa de Sant Antoni per visitar les seves relíquies. A ...
Archbishop-elect Alberto Torriani of Crotone-Santa Severina; and a group of Argentine priests studying in Rome. Pope Francis has increasingly shown his age in recent years, as he now almost ...