At one time in her life Jessica Rivero Altarriba planned to be a salsa singer. Instead, she became assistant conductor at the Utah Symphony.
The Kiwanis Club of Little Havana, an affiliate of the worldwide volunteer organization Kiwanis International, continues its schedule of activities for Carnaval Miami 2025. Joined by Kiwanis board ...
Get off of me, you’re heavy,” reads the band on the straw hat Maykel Osorbo wears in the Pinar del Rio prison known as ...
In 2009, Calle 13 recorded “La Perla ,” a now iconic track with salsa pioneer Rubén Blades that mixed hip-hop with ...
Daymé Arocena (Havana, 1992) says that some people are afraid to call her black. "It’s as if it were a hurtful word." ...