Tiara Ross, a candidate for City Council, says she has addressed her suspended driver's license and paid her city parking ...
Former Columbus Councilor Tyson Begly analyzed the civic center’s finances while serving as an interim citywide ...
Columbus City Council approved a proposal to rezone sections of the SR-161/East Dublin-Granville corridor in the Northland ...
Columbus Assistant City Attorney Tiara Ross allegedly drove on the suspended license to a hearing on Monday. The $3,795 in ...
City Engineer Rick Bogus provided an update on the 23rd Street Reconstruction Project — construction along the south side ...
Vogel said he'd want to be an advocate on council for those affected by violence. He said he also sees room for police reform ...
Tiara Ross, a candidate for Columbus ... meeting on Monday, at which Ross refuted a challenge to her eligibility to run in the May 6 primary. By city charter, a candidate must live in their ...
Hilliard City Councill had its first hearing on whether to approve or deny a new housing development. It’s called Hill Farm Two and it’s an extension of the ...
Columbus City Council Monday ... 6 million in amendments. Council unanimously voted 8-0 to approve the general fund budget. It was Councilman Otto Beatty III's first meeting since his appointment ...
Once upon a time, the Columbus City Council, which has been a mix of Republicans and Democrats for years, seemed to vote with ...