You don’t have to buy a lottery ticket to win a million dollars thanks to an offer from southern India's Tamil Nadu state, but there is a catch: you need to be able to decipher 5,300-year-old writing.
These are the entryway mistakes you should always avoid, according to a pro. Plus, learn how to remedy the issue should you find yourself with a dated entryway.
Welcome to Arc’s Value Village, where thrifting dreams come true and wallets breathe sighs of relief. Ladies and gentlemen, ...
To date, more than 4,000 Revolutionary War Pension Project volunteers have typed up the content of over 80,000 pages of pension files ...
The National Archives needs volunteers to help transcribe historical documents written in cursive. This citizen-led initiative makes American history more accessible to researchers and genealogists.
Attention! All you older folks (like me) reading this who were taught penmanship in school! The National Archives needs you!!
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