Eleven mayoral candidates pitched themselves and debated each other to a crowd of Jackson residents during a candidate forum Saturday at concert venue Duling Hall. A local group, Jacksonians 4 ...
Grain and livestock futures close mostly higher Tuesday except for nearby live cattle. Kevin Duling, KD Investors, says grains closed higher on fund buying by both hedge and index funds.
USA president Donald Trump kuulutas eile, et Euroopa Liit loodi USA tüssamiseks, ja lubas taas kehtestada 25-protsendised tollitariifid, vahendab AFP. „Vaadake, olgem ausad, Euroopa Liit moodustati, ...
Eesti Discgolfi Liit tunnustas laupäeval kaheksas erinevas kategoorias lõppenud aasta paremaid. Parimaks naissportlaseks nimetati Kristin Lätt ja parimaks meessportlaseks Mauri Villmann. Aasta ...
Join us online from 24-27 March 2025, to explore the advancements in automated mobility at the Future Networked Car Symposium. Check out the latest issues of the ITU Journal on Future and Evolving ...