The PIA School for Aviation Maintenance received the Sea Ranger Bell 206 helicopter from a government surplus reallocation program, providing an upgrade to their current training helicopter ...
Johnsburg High School is a rarity these days with its classes on heavy equipment operation, thanks to alumni who never want to see the program die.
The Napavine School District recently opened the Tiger Sandbox after about a year of planning how best to have students use a new tractor it purchased with grant funding. “We were trying to figure out ...
The mission of the combined arms battalion (CAB) is to close with and destroy enemy forces using fire, maneuver, and shock ...
Following an in-depth M1 Abrams and M2 Bradley service requirements review led by the U.S. Army Armor School and the ...
The USAF aircraft maintenance program continues to evolve as America strengthens it warfighting posture worldwide.