Philosophers have always wrestled with how love can be so morally important, yet so personal and even arbitrary.
We are shaped by our past and cannot escape our personal, familial or societal history. Caitlin Flanagan, whose writing in The Atlantic cuts to the heart of modern life’s most charged topics, has a ...
The author of “If We Were Villains” recommends novels that will make you shiver with delight one moment and recoil in horror ...
Actors be warned: the Harry Potter remake should be avoided like the plague - STATE OF THE ARTS: John Lithgow is the latest ...
India's Girish Malik is readying a docu-drama being presented at the European Film Market, which aims to offer ancient solutions to modern problems.
DONALD Trump wants to rule the world by fear. He has made this very clear. Corrupted by absolute power, in less than a month ...