"We want them to go out and find work and and do the things that they need to do to get back up on their feet, and we help ...
As temperatures drop to dangerous lows, the risk to vulnerable populations in our unhoused communities is rising.
Westminster’s emergency cold weather shelter will be open until noon Thursday in response to extreme temperatures.
Homeless-service providers and advocates say Pierce County is not effectively coordinating to keep the unhoused safe during ...
With bitterly cold temperatures on the horizon, Shelter KC is stepping up to provide warmth and safety for those in need.
Pastor Nate Porter and a team of volunteers said they are committed to preventing the tragedies that extreme cold weather ...
The city of East Providence will be opening a temporary overnight warming shelter due to the extreme weather overnight.
Extreme cold conditions pose serious health and safety risks for pets. In Forsyth County, ordinance requires pet owners to ...
NWS issues 'extreme cold warning' and 'wind advisory ... The city of Austin said it would open cold weather shelters from Tuesday to Thursday. Those who want to take advantage must register ...