Roses, carnations, pompons, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums and gypsophila arrive on hundreds of flights, mostly from Colombia and Ecuador, to Miami on their journey to florists and supermarkets across the ...
The Chesapeake Flower Exchange, including several Howard County-based farmers, delivered thousands of stems to florists for ...
New “slow flower” farms grow beautiful blooms—without health-harming chemicals used by overseas operations that dominate the ...
If you're looking for a privacy solution that also adds natural beauty to your yard, look no further than this ...
As you read this, planes full of roses are heading from east Africa and South America to almost every corner of the world. If ...
When choosing colors for a flower bed, consider the colors of blooming trees, shrubs, ground covers and vines that will live ...
Providing the backbone of the garden in summer and a stark beauty in winter, small-leaved evergreens are invaluable. Hazel ...
Flowers are the perfect gift for every occasion and with Valentine's Day fast approaching, here are the best places to order ...
In our climate, many plants add winter interest in the form of flowers, fragrance, and colourful berries, bark and foliage.
A "most perfect" grandad who passed away suddenly and a corgi dog lover who "touched the hearts of many people" are among ...
The hydrangeas were grown at brand owner Bailey Nurseries’ Oregon facility, forced into flower over the winter months and ...
Keep your front yard tidy and welcoming with these low-maintenance, compact, deer-resistant landscaping plants.