Kehangatan dan kebersamaan terlihat jelas saat para tamu menikmati rangkaian acara, mulai dari perkenalan produk hingga sesi foto bersama. Begini potretnya. Yuk intip, kalau bukan sekarang, KapanLagi?
Beauties, simak rekomendasi makeup andalan dari Dolce & Gabbana Beauty untuk tampil classy dan flawless berikut ini, yuk!
Simak ulasan lip tint dari brand lokal yang memiliki harga di bawah Rp50 ribu dan tetap mempu melembapkan bibir.
Spa water is water that’s infused with herbs, fruits, or vegetables to add flavor without a lot of calories. You may see infused waters offered at spas, which is where the name comes from ...
Istri Anang Hermansyah ini baru saja meluncurkan produk Kezia by Ashanty dan menegaskan bahwa kualitas produknya dijaga dengan ketat. "Tapi kalau mengomentari apa yang lagi ramai, jujur, itu bukan ...
Now, you must be wondering how is Foto different from Instagram. Unlike Instagram, you can only share photos in this app. One might argue—isn’t that a downgrade considering Instagram?
My cousin‘s family now owns a weed store and even sells THC-infused food they can consume while in the store. My good friend did LSD at her son‘s wedding. I feel very judgmental about their ...
But how about one infused with prebiotics? Coca-Cola is making a push in the health drink market with the release of the Simply Pop line of drinks. Here's what we know, and when you can try one ...
and leading beverage companies are introducing flavored variants to cater to evolving preferences. These developments are significantly propelling the market for enhanced water as a viable and ...
Jangan khawatir jika bosan dengan rasa nanas, karena ada banyak cara mengolahnya. Cobalah beberapa resep berikut untuk menikmati kesegaran dan manfaat kesehatan dari buah nanas. Mari kita simak!