If you have a current or rising 8th grader in Roanoke City Public Schools, they can take part in the Community Builders after ...
Coral Gables is more than just a city-it's a community we love, a place we are proud to call home. As we approach our 100th ...
The heat mapping of metros like Reno, Nevada, could be key to taming urban heat, saving lives and designing for a cooler ...
She was living in Kampala, the biggest city in Uganda, when she heard from a friend that Emirates, the flagship airline of ...
The city is set to award a contract to demolish a building and clear the way for an innovative community land trust with up ...
Aurora mayoral candidates Richard Irvin and John Laesch both said they want to move the city forward, but their visions of the future differed.
The Venango Catholic School property in Oil City was recently sold. It's not the only former Catholic school building to find ...
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kansas City, Missouri, voters will decide on April 8th whether to approve a $474 million GO Bond proposal ...
This is the second time Hallowell officials have tried to offload the building, but the first attempt solicited only one bid, ...
Now, we have a profound responsibility – and that is to ensure that this institution, which has cared for New Yorkers since ...
A former sheltered housing site in Cambridge, which people had to leave due to fire safety concerns, is set to be knocked down. Cambridge City Council has said it wants to redevelop Stanton House, in ...
The long debate over what to do with Fort Hancock’s stately but crumbling Officers’ Row homes has taken a new direction under ...