Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro isn't a fan of PETA's plan for Punxsutawney Phil. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals had suggested the famed weather-forecasting rodent be allowed to ...
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Groundhog Day is just around the corner, and PETA is again trying to offer up an alternative to Punxsutawney Phil. Every year, PETA tries to convince the Punxsutawney ...
Fox News host Sean Hannity killed a segment on animal mascots in sports after just 3-minutes with PETA guest Ashley Byrne, who slammed his “carnivore diet” as cruel and unhealthy. The ...
Mohammad Wahab mengatakan bahwa, awalnya keinginan untuk berjalan kaki ke Makkah berawal dari ajakan Anas Mahfudz. Namun, dirinya hanya mendengarkan ajakan tersebut dengan biasa saja mengingat, perlu ...
JALAN KE MAKKAH - Anas Mahfudz dan Mohammad Wahab, warga Kelurahan Rong Tengah, Sampang, Madura, Jawa Timur, berfoto bersama keluarga dan kerabat, di Alun-alun Trunojoyo Sampang, Sabtu (1/2/2025).
SURYA.CO.ID, SAMPANG - Ratusan ekor hewan ternak sapi di Kabupaten Sampang, Madura, Jawa Timur (Jatim), terjangkit virus Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK), Jumat (17/1/2025). Tercatat di Dinas Pertanian ...
PETA is planning two demonstrations this week in the Harrisburg region including one at an Allison Hill chicken restaurant. The organization’s “Hell on Wheels” truck will be parked outside ...
Kabupaten Sampang pun menduduki peringkat satu, disusul Madiun dan Pamekasan. Dari data Dinas Sosial Jawa Timur, sebanyak 253 ODGJ atau difabel mental per Desember 2024 masih mengalami pemasungan oleh ...
Sky News host Peta Credlin discusses the “battle for survival” in her hometown of Wycheproof in northwestern Victoria. ACEN Australia is planning to build a large-scale wind project on ...
Sky News host Peta Credlin claims there is a “resurgence in Australia Day”. “Peter Dutton even saying he’s open to legislation to protect our national day on the 26th of January,” Ms ...