The university system's students and staff have free access to “AI Essentials,” a five-hour course in the Google Career ...
Three people have been charged with second-degree murder after a 5-year-old boy was killed when a hyperbaric chamber exploded ...
Seimo Kultūros komitetas Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos komisijos (LRTK) nariais siūlo skirti Ireną Šiaulienę, Mantą Martišių ...
A member of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) died and another was injured as a motorbike carrying them crashed into a roadside tree while chasing smugglers in Benapole on Tuesday night. The deceased was ...
The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) will convene a meeting on Wednesday to discuss the city's preparedness for ...
Šiandien darbo rinkoje vis dažniau girdimas terminas „revenge quitting“ (liet. kerštingas išėjimas iš darbo) – situacija, kai ...
Viešbutis „Gabija“ Palangoje. Bendrovės nuotr. Viešbučio „Gabija“ Palangoje savininkė pasirašė franšižės sutartį su ...
Aktyviai vykstant gamybinio pastato „FlexStart 03“ statyboms, Klaipėdos laisvosios ekonominės zonos (LEZ) valdymo bendrovė projektuoja dar didesnį, 9.000 kv. m ploto, itin greitai nuomininkų poreikiam ...
A 69-year-old man with dementia survived a terrifying three-story plunge from a window at a Bergen County care facility, ...
Morgan Stanley sees downside risks coming for both the revenue growth of India IT services and valuation. For some stocks, multiples could become more polarised, according to the brokerage.With a ...
At first, obtaining a Schengen Visa may seem difficult, but it can be easy if you follow the correct procedures and get some ...
A shakeup of the UK's immigration system is taking place with a whole host of nationalities impacted from April 2 ...