In his new book "CHARGE: Why Does Gravity ... of miniature magnets. Each of these duly orients itself in the magnetic field, revealing how the direction of the magnetic force varies from place ...
Magnetic force can overcome gravity. That’s why this magnet can hover in mid-air. Electrostatic force also attracts and repels objects. Rubbing the balloon on another surface creates a small ...
A Japanese Nintendo patent published last week describes, in a machine translation of its claims, a gaming device that seems ...
Who doesn’t love magnets? They’re functional, mysterious, and at the heart of nearly every electric motor. They can make objects appear to defy gravity or move on their own. If you’re like ...
"Ferromagnetism, where the magnetic ... have a net magnetism, that information is also easy to lose by wiping a magnet over it." Related: 'A force more powerful than gravity within the Earth ...