The doctor guides the catheter through the artery until ... which supplies oxygen-rich blood to the front of the heart. The total blockage of the LAD artery is a serious problem that requires ...
The left anterior descending coronary artery (a.k.a. LAD, interventricular artery or the “widow maker”) supplies the anterior, anterolateral, anteroapical and apical segments of the left ...
Even modern cancer treatments appear risky for the heart, especially if the radiation dose to the LAD is high.
Janet Furr didn't experience typical heart attack symptoms when she had a 'widowmaker' heart attack in July 2024.
It can be normal, leftward (left axis deviation, or LAD), rightward (right axis deviation ... standard leads and their relationship to the cardiac axis is below. Note that lead I is at zero ...
Steve Gorczynski is the picture of health. The 56-year-old is physically fit, has good cholesterol levels, and no family ...