Stephanie "Snow" Carruthers, Chief People Hacker for IBM X-Force Red is a social engineer and works with clients to find potential weaknesses and exploit them before the hackers do. She says that ...
IBM finds security flaws in tools that let visitors check in to office buildings Research from IBM finds problems in tools that generate visitor badges and control who has access to office buildings.
Chief People Hacker for IBM X-Force Red, whose job as a social engineer is to find an organization's weaknesses and exploit them before the hackers do. Through a specific employee, hackers can ...
including IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence, incident response, X-Force Red, IBM managed security services, and data provided from Red Hat Insights and Intezer, which contributed to the 2024 report.
A significantly higher percentage of attacks were halted before they could progress to full-blown ransomware deployment last year, IBM X-Force said in a new report. Findings from a new IBM ...