Millions of years ago, our Solar System traveled through a densely populated galactic region and was exposed to increased ...
Our Solar System, labelled as the Sun in this image, has passed through different regions of ... cruises at about 200 ...
"We found that some comets in the inner Oort cloud form a long-lasting spiral structure." Spirals are a repeating theme in ...
Our solar system's journey around the center of the Milky Way takes it through varying galactic environments, and one may have had a lasting impact on Earth's climate, according to a new study.
Astronomers have discovered that the Solar System traversed the Orion star-forming complex, a component of the Radcliffe Wave galactic structure, approximately 14 million years ago. This journey ...
NASA’s Pleiades supercomputer has provided fresh insights into the Oort cloud – ​​a vast, theoretical spherical shell of icy ...
Astronomers have had a rare glimpse into the heart of the Milky Way thanks to an errant star expelled from the galactic centre. At the middle of our galaxy is a supermassive black hole ...
Astronomers predict that our home ... the first Milky Way/Andromeda close encounter. However, if this were not true, and provided that Earth wasn’t dislodged from the solar system itself ...
There’s a pretty hot party raging in the black hole at the center of our galaxy. Using new observations from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a team of astrophysicists found that the ...
An artist's concept of Sagittarius A*, surrounded by a flaring disk of hot gas. Illustration: NASA, ESA, CSA, Ralf Crawford (STScI) The black hole at the center of our galaxy is experiencing a ...
Moreover, the model accounts for the gravitational influences acting on the Oort cloud, both from within our solar system and from external sources like other stars and the Milky Way galaxy's center.