Just three days before US President-elect Donald Trump returns to the White House, Russia and Iran have finally signed a “comprehensive partnership agreement” – a deal that had been in the ...
Președintele rus Vladimir Putin și omologul său iranian Masoud Pezeshkian au semnat vineri un tratat de parteneriat strategic pe 20 de ani care implică o ... gazoduct care să transporte gaz rusesc în ...
Of those, 94 remain in captivity alongside four others held for a decade. In Iran, the Revolutionary Guards hailed the ceasefire deal as a “victory” for Palestinians and a “defeat” for Israel.
Israel supplied Iran with centrifuge platforms containing explosives for its nuclear enrichment programme, a top Iranian official has acknowledged for the first time, underscoring the ...
DUBAI, Jan 16 (Reuters) - The ceasefire in Gaza represents a "great victory" for the Palestinian resistance, Iran's Revolutionary Guards said on Thursday, warning against any possible breach by ...
Advisers to President-elect Donald Trump are crafting a wide-ranging sanctions strategy to facilitate a Russia-Ukraine diplomatic accord in the coming months while at the same time squeezing Iran ...
Dă clic pentru partajare pe WhatsApp(Se deschide într-o fereastră nouă) Mai mult Sibiul se numără printre județele din România unde pacienților nu li se cere des șpagă în spitale, arată datele ...
Publicația The Telegraph a analizat cele mai recente avertismente emise de Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (FCDO) din Marea Britanie, identificând 9 țări care au fost adăugate recent pe lista roșie: ...
Sarah Burris is a long-time veteran of political campaigns, having worked as a fundraiser and media director across the United States. She transitioned into reporting while working for Rock the ...
U.S. intelligence authorities had stated that Iran was exploring an attempt on Trump's life prior to Election Day. "This is another one of those schemes that Israel and other countries are ...
A senior Iranian official has acknowledged for the first time that Israel's Mossad intelligence agency planted explosives in centrifuge platforms used in Iran's nuclear enrichment program.