Visiting Okinawa, I was struck by how much it didn't feel like I was in Japan. Not only are the vast majority of buildings made of concrete, but they are designed in a unique Okinawan way.
Japanese troops removed and defused an American shell believed to be from World War II from a construction site in Okinawa’s ...
Toyota’s futuristic Woven City, which is being built on the site of a former car factory in Japan, is almost ready for its ...
The automotive manufacturer has unveiled its highly anticipated $10 billion “Woven City,” a futuristic, eco-friendly ...
The futuristic community will be located at the base of Mt. Fuji and will aim to have move residents in by this fall.
The footage was in fact shot in Japan and circulated ... the time of the quake showing buildings collapsing and dust rising from the ground in Horyumachi, Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture (provided ...
Buildings and houses were shaking strongly seen from footage by local surveillance camera in Miyazaki city, with a population of roughly ... reported at the Ikata Nuclear Power Plant in western Japan ...