24. februārī apritēja trīs gadi kopš dienas, kas ne tikai mainīja Ukrainas un Eiropas drošības situāciju, bet lielā mērā arī ...
Staļina un Berijas kodolsteiga Pirmais lieljaudas reaktors, kas spēja ražot un bagātināt plutoniju līdz kodolieročos izmantojamam materiālam, tika uzbūvēts ASV Otrā pasaules kara beigu posmā ... un ...
Kara Alexander, 47, who denied two counts of murder, was found guilty at Kingston Crown Court on Friday, a court official said. Post-mortems found the boys had either drowned or suffocated ...
And do you love it as much as I do?” That’s what journalist and entrepreneur Kara Swisher would ask Amazon founder Jeff Bezos about the newspaper he owns, The Washington Post, she explains at ...
How many Broadway shows has Kara Young been in? Kara Young has appeared on Broadway in 4 shows. How many West End shows has Kara Young been in? Kara Young has not appeared in the West End.
Kara Sundlun is a three-time Emmy-award winning journalist. You can catch her live every weekday as the co-host of Great Day Connecticut with Scot Haney at 3 p.m. on Channel 3. She is also our ...
Kara James is an Emmy-nominated meteorologist who has lived and worked in several different areas of the United States. She is excited to be coming back to her Midwest roots! Although Kara was ...
Kara Baskin writes the award-winning Parenting Unfiltered newsletter and column for The Boston Globe. She also writes about food, quirky behavior, and real estate. She has reported and edited for ...
Share in the beauty of togetherness. We hear the wilderness and it hears us.
Kara Dennison, SPHR, CPRW, EC is an Executive Career & Leadership Coach and Organizational Strategy Consultant who writes about career advancement, leadership, job searching, employee engagement ...
"Viens no veidiem varētu būt cimdi, kas ļaus ierīcei saprast, ka esat paņēmis šo objektu, bet ir arī cits virziens, kur, izmantojot ultraskaņu, veidojas akustiskais lauks,” skaidro profesors. Vēl ...