24. februārī apritēja trīs gadi kopš dienas, kas ne tikai mainīja Ukrainas un Eiropas drošības situāciju, bet lielā mērā arī ...
Kara Alexander, 47, who denied two counts of murder, was found guilty at Kingston Crown Court on Friday, a court official said. Post-mortems found the boys had either drowned or suffocated ...
Kara Sundlun is a three-time Emmy-award winning journalist. You can catch her live every weekday as the co-host of Great Day Connecticut with Scot Haney at 3 p.m. on Channel 3. She is also our ...
Kara Dennison, SPHR, CPRW, EC is an Executive Career & Leadership Coach and Organizational Strategy Consultant who writes about career advancement, leadership, job searching, employee engagement ...
Kara Walker was born in Stockton, California, in 1969. She received a BFA from the Atlanta College of Art in 1991, and an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1994. The artist is best known ...
Pie Lavi kibuca ir neliels piemineklis holokaustam, tad padzīto palestīniešu ciema drupas, bijušais kara lauks, kur kurdu izcelsmes karavadonis Saladīns sakāva krustnešus, un visbeidzot arī pievilcīgā ...
This episode provides an in-depth look at the creation of Kara Walker’s monumental public project, A Subtlety, or the Marvelous Sugar Baby (2014), at the Domino Sugar Factory in Brooklyn, NY. Seated ...