A VERIFY viewer asked about renters' rights to privacy and what's legally required from landlords before coming into your apartment.
However, stepping into the role of a landlord is no small task ... If you need to deny an applicant, provide a written notice clearly outlining the reasons, such as unmet income requirements ...
Have you ever faced the frustration of losing a great deal just because someone else had priority over it? Whether you're ...
After serving a 30-day notice to terminate a commercial lease and filing an unlawful detainer case, a landlord continued to bill a tenant for rent ...
LA County Board of Supervisors Chair Kathryn Barger is asking local property owners with available rental units to help house ...
Landlords around the United States would be allowed to give tenants three days’ notice or less before evicting them, under ...
Landlords cannot threaten, harass, intimidate, coerce tenants based on their perceived immigration status,” said Tim Macdonald, the legal director of the ACLU of Colorado, which filed ...
Clark county officials told state lawmakers Wednesday of numerous occasions of landlords refusing to fix substandard and ...
A Nigerian man went viral after sharing how he became a landlord 10 months after leaving his former apartment. He said his ...
Landlords are leaving units empty because of the risk right now' - Claire Whittnebel, ACORN Sikatori filed an L1 form with the LTB, which is a legal eviction notice used in cases of non-payment.
Montgomery County Councilmember Kristin Mink (D-Dist. 5) introduced a bill that would hold landlords to the same consumer ...
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson's "Good Cause Eviction" law went into effect on Friday, Feb. 7 after being adopted by the ...