First, a confession: I wasn’t even alive when Queen played Live Aid. I was born three years later in 1988, three years before Mercury died of bronchial pneumonia resulting from AIDS. My first ...
So the idea of a concert was born, and in just 10 weeks the project of Live Aid was put together - and that was in the days before E-mail and mobile phones! The greatest live show ever ...
The system allows OSHP'S aviation unit to transmit live feeds of aerial footage to first responders on the ground during evolving criminal investigations and emergencies. “This technology ...
LONDON -- Ukrainian forces lost access to Maxar satellite imagery via the United States on Thursday, a Ukrainian military ...
Russia fired cruise and ballistic missiles at Ukraine in a major overnight attack, Volodymyr Zelensky said Friday, as the ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Local law enforcement can now watch live aerial feeds from cameras on Ohio State Highway Patrol helicopters and planes, which will help them to make decisions on the ground during ...
Russia launched a fresh wave of drone strikes into Ukraine overnight into Sunday morning as the country reeled from a bloody ...
The BBC's Fergal Keane joined the mission as an aerial aid bridge flew supplies into Israeli-held territory in southern Gaza. Read more about the operation to get aid into Gaza here.