Fears surrounding tariffs on metal and their impact on the prices of canned goods are creating a ripple effect on local food ...
Colorado school districts used the federal program to purchase local food and support “socially disadvantaged” and small ...
New perspective on the cancellation of the eleven million dollars in United States Department of Agircultyre funding that helped connect iowa farmers and their ...
Schools and local food banks will lose about $1.1 billion from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the purchase of food ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Agriculture Department is ending two pandemic-era programs that provided more than $1 billion for ...
The Local Food Purchasing Assistance program helped farmer Ryan Marquart put money in his pocket while also providing fresh ...
Two federal programs that pay Alabama farmers to grow fresh produce for school cafeterias and food banks are coming to an ...
The department announced a billion dollar slash Tuesday. That money, funding programs to help schools and food banks buy food ...
Second Harvest Food Bank staff are tasked with feeding families in need in the northwestern portions of North Carolina This ...
Local food banks are taking a direct hit as the Trump administration slashes billions of dollars in funding for two federal ...
The United States Department of Agriculture is making cuts to a program that provides schools and food banks with fresh food from local farms.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the end of COVID-era food programs that were utilized by food pantries ...