Kuala Lumpur, February 4, 2025-- Yayasan PETRONAS spreads festive cheer to 2,100 families nationwide through the distribution of festive packs as part of its Uplifting Lives Festive (ULF ...
Mudahnya akses infromasi danjejak digital di era ini membuat kasus negatif lebih memorable. Namun, kurang adil rasanya, jika menilai semua yayasan pendidikan Islam hanya berdasarkan segelintir oknum.
Before the message of the Prophet Muhammad spread beyond the Arabian Peninsula, local medical attitudes were based on the words of the founder of Islam: “Make use of medical treatment ...
TRIBUN-TIMUR.COM, MAKASSAR - Kabar duka datang dari dunia pendidikan di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel). Ketua Yayasan Pendidikan Islam (YPI) Megarezky Makassar, Hj Suryani meninggal dunia pada ...
Harga Kedelai Amerika Kontrak Dua Bulan - Us Soybeans Futures Turun Menuju Level US$1.050,75 /Bushel (Selasa, 04 Februari 2025) Materials 04/02/2025, 15:02 WIB Harga Minyak Dunia Turun ke US$ 75,32 ...