The remodel, which starts Feb. 17, will make city offices more secure by enlarging the assistant clerk’s office and creating ...
Positions for several village association and residential design review committee boards in The Woodlands Township will be up for election Feb. 15 ...
A petition against the closure of Caerleon's town hall has been handed to the council's leader with over 4000 signatures.
Local officials have decided they will put a bond vote to residents for the village expansion project at some point after all, so long as some specific questions ...
A village hall will undergo a full remodel and extension after planners gave the go-ahead. Knowle Village Hall will now include a large community hall available for hire, improved changing facilities ...
The Deerfield Village Board will hold a public hearing next week about its facilities plans for the village’s wastewater treatment plant, and the future of upgrades at the facility.
The Cold Spring Village Board, at its Jan. 29 meeting, began what will be a continuing discussion of a long list of projects as the 2024-25 fiscal year nears its end on May 31, and the 2025-26 budget ...
Increase communication between village staff and residents with TextMyGov and CivicReady systems, discussed at Delta Village ...
On Jan. 28, the McFarland Village Board voted unanimously to refer an ordinance request to the village’s finance committee on whether or not to require a vote on future public ...
Wildwood's latest effort to spruce up its downtown area may be replacing seven dumpsters with a trash compactor.