Comstock High School held a ribbon cutting on Wednesday morning to welcome their new free health clinic to campus.
A nearby conservation area is the namesake of the new Columbia elementary school that broke ground last year and is expected to open in 2026.
A special needs student in Colorado was sexually assaulted by a teacher who "preyed" on the 16-year-old and plied him with drugs and alcohol, even going so far as to direct him to shoot a colleague.
The school district said she has been successful — but the way she is doing things isn’t what you might expect.
Exercise balls, a hanging swing, and fidget toys are just a few pieces of equipment that fill the “Good Vibes Only Room,” as ...
Trustees officially designate second new campus as Rowena Johnson Elementary As predicted, Sulphur Springs Independent School ...
About this data The size of Upper Coomera is approximately 23.8 square kilometres ... Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023. In consideration of ...
The St. Marys Area School District Board of Directors approved several new hires during Monday’s regular meeting.