After Companion, there are a few science-fiction master pieces to check out that tackle similar themes and issues, like autonamy.
The Gorge, a new movie for Apple TV+, has a peculiar release date of February 14, 2025. Why would a sci-fi horror release on ...
Science fiction allows filmmakers to critique the current social paradigm by extrapolating it to its distant but logical ...
When I moved into my sunny Los Angeles apartment, I had one goal: Fill it with as many plant varieties as I could keep alive.
We have some new cast additions for the live-action Masters of the Universe movie, with Morena Baccarin set to play the ...
As on 31-12-2024, the company has a total of 46.58 Crore shares outstanding.SCI Share Price Today is Rs. 162.59. On previous day, the SCI Share Price (NSE) closed at Rs. 179.79, featuring among the ...