The Luddite Club was the subject of an article I wrote in 2022 — a story that, ironically, went viral,” Alex Vadukul writes.
Rather than running from this inevitability, let’s teach students the importance of balancing screen time with non-digital ...
Bring Your Own Device is in full swing for freshmen at Hutchinson High School, and school officials are now considering a similar program for sixth grade. But that leaves one important question: ...
We are very proud of our new grade 5-8 middle school configuration. We have had assemblies with all of our 5-8 grade students ...
President Donald Trump looks poised to make good on his campaign promise to close the Department of Education.
Rutgers Business School Professor Rudi Leuschner stands with Kathalina Tapia at the graduation program convocation in 2022.
IYRS School of Technology & Trades now offers an interactive virtual tour of its marine trades and advanced technology campus ...
There may not be a more important time to help students become critical consumers of news or to spot misinformation. What's ...
Civil liberties groups warn that the Kids Off Social Media Act would restrict First Amendment-protected speech and lead to ...
To expand computer science education at Adams 12 Five Star Schools in Colorado, a former IT coordinator convened a group of ...
Schools are adopting IoT for better learning, but are student privacy and data security at risk? Discover 8 essential tips to ...