Israel's Iron Dome air defense system intercepts rockets launched from Gaza on Oct. 11, 2023. (Bashar Taleb/AFP via Getty Images) In a bit of verbal alchemy, the Pentagon is turning iron into gold.
President Donald Trump is seeking to bolster the defense of the American homeland with a U.S.-style Iron Dome missile system. However, one expert believes that a system similar to Israel's is "not ...
Creating an Iron Dome defensive umbrella for the United States or Europe, modeled after Israel’s eponymous system, would be unsuitable against the threat of long-range missiles, according to ...
In one of his first executive orders after taking office, President Donald Trump laid out his vision for an “Iron Dome for America” — a massive shield in space that would protect the United ...
Gen. Saltzman added that Space Force had already established an integrated planning team to investigate options related to the Iron Dome executive order. “I think we have a central role to play.
US President Donald Trump has issued an executive order calling for an “Iron Dome for America”, borrowing the name of Israel’s vaunted missile defence system. “We need to immediately begin ...
We welcome those applauding President Trump’s Jan. 27 Iron Dome for America executive order and argue that everyone should heed the products and lessons of President Reagan’s Strategic Defense ...
In an attempt to accomplish this goal, President Trump issued an executive order calling for the creation of an “Iron Dome for America,” a reference to Israel’s much-vaunted missile defense ...
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On April 7, 2011, a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip at the Israeli city of Ashkelon met an early end thanks to Israel’s “Iron Dome,” a radar-guided, mobile network of short-range ...