Aquarian Rising Productions focuses on shows that feature roles for Black actors. The recently launched Chorus of Fools has given aspiring playwrights a new opportunity to showcase their work.
Plus, shows based on Philly's eds and meds industry, a basketball playing demigod and a misadventure in a country house.
Paines Plough has announced programming for its star-studded 50th Anniversary Gala taking place in February at the Criterion Theatre. Learn more about the upcoming lineup here!
The West End production of CABARET at the KIT KAT CLUB will welcome new members to the show's Prologue Company from 3 ...
From a debut bi-city arts exchange to urban sketching to deep sea creatures made of glass, the Pittsburgh art scene is vibrant in February.
A Shakespeare scholar at Harvard University explains how the creative collaboration that happens in theater can be a model ...