The Poké Ball is an iconic part of the Pokémon franchise, and there are many unique designs, but these ten are the best of ...
Regirock is coming back to Pokemon Go Shadow Raids to debut its Shiny Shadow form so here’s how to take down the bulky Legendary.
A lot of us grew up watching anime, and so did various Premier League stars, many of whom grew up on legendary titles like ...
When you’re on the catch screen, watch how Dialga moves. It likes to hang out in the middle of the screen and has a simple ...
Here's a guide to defeating and catching Dynamax Beldum in Pokemon GO's25 Max Monday event, including the best counters and ...
Pokemon continues to expand its miniature Wand Company Poke Ball collection by adding a mini Love Ball in time for Valentine's Day.
The Legendary Shadow Ho-Oh is returning to Pokemon Go Raid battles for a special day, so check its best counters to target every weakness.
The Ultra Ball is the next step up, offering a 2x catch rate modifier and a sleek black and yellow design. They’re great for using in the late game. There’s nothing special about Premier Balls other ...
When you complete a raid, you have the chance to catch the Pokemon you have been fighting against. You will not be using your own PokeBalls to do this, but instead using a limited number of Premier ...