Serum concentrations of MEL, GN, testosterone (T) and prolactin (PRL) were determined at 30-min. intervals several hours prior to, during, and after MEL administration. Though serum MEL ...
At the −60, +10, +80, and +140 timepoints, blood was sampled from the i.v. line opposite to the one used for administering study drug, for prolactin and cortisol to provide a behaviorally ...
Amongst these hormonal changes, lactogenic hormones (e.g., prolactin and its pregnancy-specific homolog, placental lactogen) are important regulators of these processes, and their receptors are ...
prolactin receptor; PR, progestinreceptor; Smad2/3, STAT5, signal transducers and activators of transcription 5; TGFR, transforming growth factor receptor; TNFR, tumour necrosis factor receptor.
Despite being a first-line treatment for adolescent depression and anxiety, antidepressant drugs appear to have questionable efficacy and carry an increased risk of adverse effects in this ...