Dr. Ebenezer Quainoo is a medical professional whose career has been defined by a dedicated approach to healthcare.
In 2024, USAID awarded a $2 million grant to an LGBTQ+ rights organization in Guatemala called Asociación Lambda. That grant ...
While some argue that natural gas can serve as a bridge from coal to cleaner sources of energy argue it only delays climate ...
Sepsis is a major global health issue causing one in five of the total deaths worldwide each year, yet it remains difficult to diagnose and treat effectively. The Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute ...
Across healthcare system, stakeholders share blame for high costs. This includes hospitals, drugmakers, insurers and others ...
Dr Tony Basingnaa, the Upper West Regional Laboratory Scientist, has urged Medical Laboratory Scientists to exhibit high professional ...
While death rates from cardiovascular disease have declined 60% since 1950, a recent upward trend aligns with increases in ...
From vibrant cities to tranquil towns, these 20 retirement hot spots offer unparalleled access to top-notch health care facilities, making them the perfect choice for health-conscious retirees.
Introduction Quality improvement (QI) is aimed at improving care. Equity is one of the six domains of healthcare quality, as defined by the Institute of Medicine. If this domain is ignored, QI ...
To provide a comprehensive picture of health care costs, utilization, and quality, Congress should mandate and fund the creation of a national all-payer claims database. Finally, leaders of ...