This Valentine’s Day, an anonymous poll was conducted inside the WLWT newsroom to find out what makes a bad date.
Daters are often aware of red flags​, or undesirable traits or behaviors to avoid in a potential partner​. But what about green flags? Here's what experts say to look for.
A renowned relationship expert reveals the red flags to watch out for in men (and women) and the green flags that signal a ...
The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer. When you’re young and longing for companionship, it’s scarily ...
VENKAT: ...And smarter than you, I feel. Like, an example for me, which is my biggest red flag movie is "Inception," the ...
Discover tips some people use on a blind date that can guide you in a job interview to prevent "shift shock"—falling for a ...
So, being that there's been a lot of unchecked "red flag" behavior going on these days, I thought I'd ask men to share with ...