Sonja Craparo decided to start a running club called the Dunedin Women Runners. In just five years she says they’ve gone from a handful of ladies to over 1000 participating.
In simple terms, walking tires the body and increases the naturally increasing pressure to sleep throughout the day. Res ...
“Soft Wins,” created by agency Flower Shop, features Elmo suggesting a more chill approach to running—through celebrating personal milestones, enjoying the ritual of running or connecting with friends ...
Following its much talked about Super Bowl commercial on Sunday, On is back with Sesame Street's Elmo for a new campaign aimed at empowering runners of all skill levels. Called "Soft Wins," the Swiss ...
The Cleveland Marathon’s relationship with University Hospitals has held up for the long run. The marathon announced ...
What positions could Bulldogs target during spring portal period? We weigh in with areas that could need shoring up still.
Danville officials are working with PPL Electric Utilities to resolve issues involving the Hometown Heroes banners recently ...